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Inside Out Sketches Inside Out Easy Sketches

(from left to right) Co-creators Tulip (alias), Desmond Toh, artists Claire Teo, Kira Lim and our access worker Shah are all in cheerful, dynamic poses in front of a white wall featuring a written mind-map of their ideas. Desmond lies on the floor with his arm outstretched playfully, while the others pose with wide smiles and open arms behind him. This was taken at a workshop space at Gateway Theatre.

" We need to put aside all social norms, standards and notions we have about what it means to be disabled and relearn to build authentic connections with individuals - to dig a little deeper.

See not with our eyes, but with our entire body and heart . "

– Claire Teo, Lead Artist

Unseen: Inside Out is our platform's forthcoming disability-led project. It is spearheaded by emerging youth performance artist Claire Teo in collaboration with Kira Lim and produced by Unseen Art Initiatives. Through this project, we hope to encourage conversations and question the public's perspective and assumptions about disability.

The project is a collaborative process of creating a sensorial, immersive and accessible arts installation of sound works, together with a diverse group of 12 visually impaired co-creators,sound composer Clarence Chung and designer Samuel Woo.

The work is grounded by the personal lived experiences and voices of the community, and we hope that through listening to these real voices, perspectives of the disabled community may begin to evolve through constructive and meaningful social change.

The art making process involved ample research and constant, ongoing dialogue—through which both Claire and Kira get to know each participant as individuals and co-creators, whose access needs, strengths and learning interests are at the heart and center of this work.

This enables the artists to adopt a customisable working approach with each participant that involves sensory and tactile methods to teach performance techniques and direct the recording of the sound works. ​​​​​​​

Watch this space as Unseen: Inside Out continues to develop!

Artists Claire and Kira lead an introductory workshop session for a group of young participants. We thank The Artground for their kind support of the space for this workshop. The artists and participants are seated on the ground and deep in conversation as they reflect on their experiences during a post-workshop discussion.

The workshop participants stand in a circle as artist Kira Lim instructs and gestures for them to keep their feet firmly planted to the floor.

Find a quiet spot and have your earphones ready. Take time to explore the worlds of our co-creators by listening in to these 6 sound works in progress.

These sound works invite us into a house where we listen to the inner voices of its 12 occupants. We hear their fears, joys, hopes, injustice and love as they either settle comfortably or look towards a new beginning.

Home is where we make it to be.

The full experience will be presented at our art exhibition in Jan 2022.

In the living room...

The Creepy Crawlies and Strong Arms

Kendra* lives in a small house with beings she fears. They crowd her and trap her. She yearns to break free, for a space she can call her own where the creepy crawlies of her life won't follow.

Every inch of the living room reminds Firdhaus of his father. As he recollects the moments last spent, the words last exchanged and the embraces last shared, he is determined for his father to continue living life through him.

At this turning point in their lives, they set off on a new journey.

In the toilet…

Neither The Hero Nor The Victim

There are deep seated stigmas surrounding the word "disability". Wai Yee and Cheyenne share some experiences where they felt oppressed and discriminated against. They flush away these occurrences as they look towards a new beginning where there's no judgement or hierarchy.

In the kitchen...

I Want You To Know ​​​​​​​

Tulip* looks forward to every weekend when she gets to cook and share a meal with her daughters. Desmond tries to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with his brother every day. Every meal is another quality conversation shared.

Recalling a memory of a family outing to the beach, it inspires them to write a love letter to the ones they hold most dear. ​​​​​​​

In the garden…​​​​​​​

Just A Peek

Zhi Lin invites us into her personal garden by playing her favourite song. This space is one where she feels safe to talk about everything. It is peaceful, simple and it is what she wants.

Qiao* has always felt a familiarity with stars. She invites us into her past and present where she reveals her inner rebel and child, and her desired future where she wishes for a garden of her own—a peaceful, simple space she can share with her lover.

And that's why we can't stay for long. But see... well, a peek is all you need.

In the bedroom...

Dreams Scattered, Dreams Caught

Shermaine and Cinderella* explore the thought of freedom and what it means to them, through a self-composed melody and a self-written Mandarin poem respectively. Dreams, night and day, have been scattered and discarded. But there are always more waiting to be caught.

In the study room…

Brains Vs Beauty

All of us have been through nerve-wracking job interviews. Rendi and Sherri discuss the best way to impress and wow the person behind the desk.

Rendi believes that wit and intelligence is the way to success.

Sherri believes that the more beautiful she is, the more likely for success.

What do you think?

Artist Claire Teo and co-creator Sherri Lim engaging in a movement exercise during a workshop session. Claire has her arm stretched out to the front, as if passing an imaginary ball to someone else. Sherri is focused intently on Claire as she follows the motion. Artist Kira and Co-creator Rendi, who have their backs to the camera, do the same.

The Creepy Crawlies and Strong Arms


Currently pursuing his Diploma in Community Development at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Firdhaus is a 21-year-old who aspires to be a social worker in the future. His sound work sheds light on the process of grieving through the cherished memories of his late father. Firdaus is committed to building a meaningful career of helping others in need. He seeks to understand and empathise with people of diverse communities, especially disabled communities, to develop innovative ways to elevate their burdens and provide access.


Kendra* is a bubbly and adventurous 23-year-old visually impaired person with big dreams. One of which is to become a professional percussionist. Never one to conform to social norms, Kendra* seeks opportunities to further her education and work in the performing arts scene long-term. Currently a music performer with The Purple Symphony, she has hopes that the scene will continue to grow and become more inclusive and accessible to more communities. Through her satirical sound work that explores the various animals she fears, we gain insight into the life she has and yearns to have. She hopes the audience will find comfort and hope within this piece.

Neither The Hero Nor The Victim


Wai Yee, aged 48, is a talented and experienced singer who has been performing since 1995. Her repertoire extends from popular music to broadway musical numbers. She has sung for major and private events and has recently ventured into storytelling and acting. Through candid and humorous anecdotes, her sound work takes on a poignant tone as it educates us about the social stigmas surrounding visual impairment and gives fresh perspective to the word "porn".


A recent graduate from the Business Administration course at ITE College, 19-year-old Cheyenne Phua has never stopped dreaming of a career in the performing arts. Unseen: Inside Out has kickstarted her learning journey in the arts by introducing the basic techniques in expressing herself through movement and voice. Her sound work addresses how society's ignorance about disability has caused the lack of accessibility in many aspects of her life.

I Want You To Know…


A student at Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School, Desmond Toh has just completed his N-levels Examinations. He approaches life with a sense of hope and determination. He has dreams of  developing a tuition programme that is catered fully to the constructive and effective learning of the visually impaired community, making education more accessible. His sound work depicts the strong bond he shares with his brother, through memories and fantasies of playing together.

Tulip* is a 43-year-old proud mother of 2 girls. Just like what you can expect of all mothers, her dream is to be able to watch her daughters grow up and achieve their hearts' desires. In her interwoven soundscape with Desmond, she expresses her love for them as she recalls a fond memory and the simple joys of cooking a meal for her family.

Just A Peek


At 18-years-old, Tan Zhi Lin is an enthusiastic learner who is bold and eager to try new things. She graduated from Lighthouse School in 2020, where her favorite subject was English. She loves music and she is a choir member in The Purple Symphony. She sings, plays the piano and is learning to act. Zhi Lin's dream is to see a rainbow in the sky and this is her parents' wish for her too. Her soundscape invites us into a garden of her imagination, bringing us back to those innocent and carefree days but also giving us glimpses into some hard truths about society.


An aspiring clinical psychologist, Qiao's* story documents her journey of battling with chronic illness as a child, expressed in the form of drama. The story is presented in the form of a soundscape to best express the hopes and undaunting desire to live a brilliant life despite having a disability, as experienced by someone who went through sudden blindness.

Dreams Scattered, Dreams Caught

20-year-old Shermaine is currently a Year 2 student, pursuing her NITEC in Business Services at ITE College Central. A lover of music and performance, she is an active member of The Purple Symphony choir and is keenly learning to play the piano. For her soundscape, she is composing an uplifting and empowering instrumental piece, in response to a poem and painting done by her fellow co-creator, Cinderella*, about a search for freedom. Through this process, she hopes to discover herself better and find greater purpose and meaning in her life.


Cinderella* is a bubbly and cheerful 31-year-old who is on a quest to find her place in this world. Cinderella's soundscape paints a vivid picture of what freedom is to her as she recites a poem she had written to share about finding a connection with the people around her.

Brains Vs Beauty

Rendi is a hardworking 21-year-old and staunch Christian who has never given up hope that one day, he will get the opportunity to study the course of his dreams. Wanting to dabble in business as a Human Resource manager in the future, Rendi seeks a life of serving the community and giving back to society. His soundscape addresses the importance of seeing beyond the disability to the potential and possibilities within the person.


A graduate from NITEC in Infocomm Technology, Sherri Lim is a 22-year-old aspiring singer-songwriter who finds joy in creative expression. She hopes that one day, she will have the confidence and presence to command a large audience. Her soundscape features a beautiful mandopop song she composed, describing her apprehension, yearning and evental conviction to chasing her dreams to be on stage.

* preferred alias

Lead Artist: Claire Teo

Key Artist Collaborator: Kira Lim

Music Composer and Audience Experience Lead: Clarence Chung

Installation Artist and Design Lead: Samuel Woo

Digital Resources Design: Athirah Annissa​​​​​​​

Creative Producers: Alecia Neo and Jesslyn Lim (Unseen Art Initiatives)

Project Assistants: Jasmine Kamsul and Athirah Annissa

Supported by:

National Arts Council

SG Culture Anywhere

Philip Yeo Initiative

National Youth Council

Young Change Makers

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